Green, Medium - SDS, climb the right arete
Red, Medium - SDS, link right arete into "Dreams"
Site 1:
Directly across the road from site 1 is a boulder with the following problems :
Right Line, Medium - SDS, up and left on slopers
Center Line, Medium - SDS, couple of difficult moves leads to easy finish
Center Line, Medium - SDS, couple of difficult moves leads to easy finish
Site 3:
The problem actually goes out farther left so the top out is straight over the top of the boulder. Quality Problem!
Not surprisingly, because it's on such an obvious boulder, this is an old Wills problem. I'm pretty sure he had more than one on this bloc. I actually mapped out the entire north side of the road on the ridge but didn't put it in O11, mainly because the rock is more crap than not on that side. Maybe on my original maps I had a name for this thing, but I don't remember. Next time I get in the archive box I'll take a look.
I updated some info.
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